Medium-size fixed Oblique Spindle High Speed Polishing Machine
 Number of Spindle  10 spindles
 Lower spindle speed  1,000 ・ 2,000 r.p.m. belt changing
 (variable speed possible)
 Upper spindle oscillating frequency  30 per minutes fixed
 Upper spindle oscillating stroke  0 〜 90 o
 Distance between spindles  250 o
 Timer  multi timer 2pcs.
 Angle of oblique lower spindle  30°clamp
 Motor  200V  1500W  4P  3Ø  2pcs.
 200V   200W  4P  3Ø  2pcs.
 Coolant pump  200V   180W  2P  3Ø  1pc.
 Abrasive liquid tank  Ø=310o  2pcs.
 Dimensions  W 2,850o  D 800o  H 1,300o
 Weight  600kg
Specification will be changed for improvement without notice.
1) The machine is the sister machine of model HM4-K with fixed oblique spindle
  of lower spindle for mass-production to polish convex work piece by piece

2) Functions (lower spindle speed, work pressure, polishing time, starting
  button, counter and abrasive liquid feed) are controlled by every 5 spindles.

3) Upper spindle is oscillated at the fixed frequency, and tommy-bar can be
  directed to spherical center.

4) The machine is operated by pushing start button after feeding abrasives 5

5) Work pressure is controlled by air. Polishing time is set by timer. The work
  is easy to load and unload as works are pressurized with starting the motion
  of tommy-bar at the same time and depressurized automatically by finishing
  polishing work.

6) Upper spindle is lifted by operating snap-switch for changing lens dish and
  cleaning work tank.

7) Coolant tanks are made of stainless steel installing at the both sides of
  the machine. Coolant pump is applied rust proof and seal treatment and fitted
  blades for agitating. Uniformity abrasive liquid can be fed with preventing
  abrasive precipitatin.